Care for your solar system
Our care for your solar system at Custom Solar Solutions will not end at installation. Our goal is to optimize the amount of sunlight that reaches your solar panels. Our professional installers take this into account while positioning and orienting PV modules but maximizing sunlight capture also requires keeping the panels free of leaves, bird droppings, pollutants, and other debris.
Years of experience
Installations this year!
Increase Effectiveness
Your panels’ overall efficiency will undoubtedly rise if you clean them. Numerous statistical findings suggest that this efficiency and performance boost might be significant, reaching up to 21% in residential arrays. Take care of your investment by guaranteeing that your rooftop panels are set up for optimal effectiveness. A significant improvement can be made with a routine solar panel cleaning service!
Aesthetic Appeal
Nobody wants a dirty solar panel system that looks old and is coated in dirt on their rooftop. Cleaning your solar panels regularly is equally as vital as maintaining the cleanliness of the rest of your house. Your property will look better thanks to this kind of regular upkeep, which will appeal to both you and your guests.
Maximize ROI
The cost of installing solar panels in your home isn’t cheap, so you want to make sure that you see a return on your investment as quickly as possible. A lack of regular panel cleaning might extend the time it takes to see an ROI. On the other hand, regular cleaning them makes them more effective since more light gets to the cells, which increases ROI.
Georgia’s Premier Solar Company
Knowledge is (solar) Power
Can solar panels damage my roof?
For the majority of homeowners, as long as your solar panels are installed correctly, they shouldn’t cause damage to the structure of your roof or the outside of your home. Your solar panels won’t compromise the structural integrity of your roof if you engage with a qualified, licensed technician and if your roof is in good shape.
What maintenance is required for solar panels?
Minimal maintenance, that’s one of the beautiful things about solar panels! Mostly, you’ll need to keep them clean and free from debris. Modern systems often come with digital monitoring, so you can keep track of their output and catch any potential issues early.
What if there is a storm?
Solar panels are designed to withstand the elements, including heavy winds and hail. To prevent damage due to an incoming storm or hurricane we suggest our De-Rack Re-Rack plan to best protect your investment.
Do I need a specific type of roof for solar panel installation?
Most types of roofs are suitable for solar panel installation! Whether your roof is flat or sloped, shingled or tiled, we can typically install a solar panel system on it. The important factors to consider are the strength and condition of your roof, and whether it gets enough sunlight. Our team of professionals will inspect your roof and create a custom design for your home.
Commercial Solar
tailored to the needs of your property
With over 30% tax credits available and returns on investment as low as 5 years, your business can save on costs while staying resilient during power outages.
Residential Solar
save money on energy costs each month
Custom Solar Solutions can install a sleek, modern solar array onto your roof or property if you’re interested in making the easy transition to clean solar energy.
Energy Storage
energy independence with Custom Solar batteries
Quiet, emission-free, and low-maintenance batteries offer hassle-free operation, contributing to a cleaner living environment with straightforward installation.
EV Charging
top-tier home EV charging station options
Our charging systems installed by state-licensed electricians provide EV drivers with a wide range of charging choices for a variety of different electric vehicles while being compact, practical, and incredibly powerful.
Re-Rack De-Rack
protect your investment from damage
Protect Your Solar Investment with Our Expert Re-Rack and De-Rack Service for Safe Panel Removal and Reinstallation During Roof Repairs or Severe Weather.
keep your system running at peak efficiency
Similar to your other utilities, your panels need regular solar maintenance, cleaning – and occasionally repairs – to ensure your solar system is operating at maximum efficiency for your home.
Financing & Insurance Options
cover repairs with your home owners insurance
Discover Your Financing Options and Learn How Homeowner’s Insurance Could Help Protect Your Solar Investment — Call Us Today to Learn More!
Cleaning & Maintenance
clean and maintain your investment
Take care of your investment by guaranteeing that your rooftop panels are set up for optimal effectiveness. A significant improvement can be made with a routine solar panel cleaning service!